
Embracing Islam, means we have created a new dimension of our life. we also, come up with a new way of life which is definitely  different from our old life. The way Islam teaches us is definitely holistic. Which means it comprises all sort of angles in our life. Every single thing we did, is taken into consideration.

Without realizing that our heart is filled (when emptiness is said to be the major problem), Islam drives us in such a way that really revitalizing your faith. It replenished our empty heart with sort of purity. and, definitely it did change our heart.

By embracing Islam, we found the truth. The truth of He is the one and only Creator in this universe. No doubt that He is Most Powerful.. Indeed, in many empty spaces in our heart, He poured His mercy deep into heart. And that is not the only proof, (many more,uncountable)

When we were young, the faith in our heart is as weak as blossom stem and even more weaker than that. But, somehow, in the interval of growth, our parents plant a seed of Faith towards Islam. The germination process occurs when they spoon-feed us with moral values, teaching us to pray,and many more. As soon as the seed of Faith germinates, it potrays  the significant of life after embracing Islam.

Islam taught the value of life in this temporary world. this world is definitely a place with all sort of people hobnobing and thus create a mixture of cultures. Without knowing the definite aim in our life--we are aimless.But, Islam comes and rained us with sea of knowledge(applicable knowledge from Koran). 
We use the knowledge, we utilized the knowledge, and finally we can come out with advanced technology
that really empowering our life.

Despite the heat of technology, we are feeling the cold of leaving the Islamic way of life. I, myself experienced this. when we were too indulge with this world, we will feel the emptiness in our soul and that leads to your spiritual probs like having no mood(swing of mood), feeling lonely and many more. He gave us that sign, to remind us that we left Him far away at the back. We seem to get emotional when we don't get the privileges in this world.But, somehow, we forgot that the world Hereafter will give you unexpected and extraordinary privileges that you can not imagine at all.

As we were grown-up, we will realize the significance of Islamic way of life. Islam is simple,but do not take it for granted.What I can conclude is that, Islam is the best way of life. It leads us in a way that other religions do not do. It is an environment of civilization which comprised every single thing in our life. So, what is your point of view towards Islam?

(p/s: sorry,if grammatical errors are found in this entry)

Huuu.... pelik betol la orang zaman sekarang ni..aku pun pelik r ngan orang2 ni.
ni pasai Solat Jumaat.Dah terang2 dalam Islam solat jumaat tu wajib, tapi nape diorg x nak g jugak.aku pelik la.

Adoi!!! tapi aku x nak tuduh yang bukan2 la...mungkin ade sebab diorg x pergi ..tapi an..wajib la bagi setiap org lelaki yg cukup syarat..

“Hai orang-orang beriman, apabila diseru untuk menunaikan solat Jumaat, maka bersegeralah kamu kepada mengingat Allah dan tinggalkanlah jual beli. Yang demikian itu lebih baik bagimu jika kamu mengetahui.”-surah al jumu’ah(62:9).

Hmm..mungkin diorg masih jahil tentang agama. SEBab tu r diorg x nak pergi solat jumaat. Diorg x tau kowt yg solat jumaat tu wajib. kite kene "think positive"!!!!

Or, mungkin kali kerana diorg punye baju kotor. almaklumlah "mechanic"...maybe diorg malas nak cuci tangan diorg yg penuh dengan gris.

or, mungkin diorg x nak or x suke crowded place kowt.yela..orang yg mementingkan class la katekan..
x nak ngn org mcm kite2 ni...almaklumlah, solat jumaat ni kan ramai, panas dan macam2 bau ade

But, Hello!!! That is not the reason la weyh!!!!! sekarang ni, semua bergantung kepada hati budi dan iman masing-masing. Kite yg ade kt sekeliling, perlu la memberi kesedaran tentang kewajiban pergi solat jumaat nih.

aku bukan ustaz la, tp macam x senang la bile ade org kt sekeliling kite x nak g masjid utk solat jumaat. nk kate masjid x de, agak "damn" la kalo diorg cakap mcm tu..sebab kt tempat aku ni, ade 3 masjid yg dekat2 semuanya..jarak dari satu masjid ke satu masjid pulak x sampai 400meter pown...

kite hidup ni, kene la saling nasihat-menasihati..kalo korang dok kat luar negara, mesti susah la nk cari masjid..kalo UK tu ok la sikit..tup2 korang dapat kt US..bukan city, korang dapat county yg orang islam tu supa-dupa Minor la kan org cakap..ish2..contohnye kalo korang dok kt Lansing,Michigan..kt sini x de masjid.yg ade Pusat Islam je,kt malaysia kite panggil la masjid an. so,kalo ari jumaat tu,sape2 g dok kt Waverly  ke, terpaksalah korang travel around untuk ke east Lansing,,satu2nye tempat org islam berkumpul kt Lansing....

tapi kat malaysia ni,masjid dah la pun superb..kot tu pun,orang kite masih x nak bersyukur..x nak g solat jumaat...ape nak jadi..... 

so...macam mane??? tepuk dada, tanya IMAN

p/s: pesanan ini utk aku n semua 

Well..I'm freshie in this Blog-world..I'm not Tech-savvy...hahhaha the way,,this is my first try in this blogging-world where u have the freedom of speech inculcated in you. so, that is the reasaon that drives me to this world of blogging.

aha.. this is me...kahkahkahkah..funny right???

oh..yaa!!!! REally forgot to mention..Another factors that drive me to start blogging is to brush up my english..hahaha..I'm not the native speaker of this language,so, this is actually a medium to improve
my English.. Frankly saying, I'm not good in English..hahah..well, at least, I try my best.huh?
see..I told you...I really love to laugh.. this is my classmates.. they are all crazy.. they color my life in IPTI..
well.. I guess.. that's all for today..ahakzz..anyway, I 'll use both BM and English in my blog..hhahah